What's the deal with the USS Midway? The hull code changes from CVN-74 (Ex-Stennis) to CVN-70 (Ex-Vinson), and is LPV-19 in "...but we lived through the flames".
Also, I am sure that many people have already asked, but do you plan on making a 'Plane Lore' equivalent? I enjoyed "You're On Your Own, Spacecowboy" very much, and I think a lot of people would also like to see something like this work but for the planes there.
oh the hull numbering issue is just a continuity error because i had shifted the names around about two too many times. Appreciate that getting pointed out, too many lil details for me to keep track of 100% of the time!
I do plan on making a lore post for the aircraft, but that'll come after i finish redoing the Marine Lore!
1 suggestion for the ship info graphic cards, I think a helpful piece of information to include in these might a blurb on the ships powerplant/propulsion type and model.
Whats sets this apart from other near future military fiction, is for lack of a better term, you're not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
A lot pop near future mil fic, *cough* Black Ops 2 *cough* End War *cough* set often only 10-20 years in the future, never sees any presence of any weapon platform currently in use at the date of the medias release. I've always found it to be nonsensical and incongruous that in these pieces of NFMF, you might see jet powered VTOL's or DEW armed tanks, reasonably plausible in future decades, yet you'll never see current helicopters or gun armed IFV's in use with lower tier units or reserve forces.
I absolutely love how you still have F/A-18, Arleigh Burke's, and Ford-class carriers, in service along side much more advance futuristic platforms.
yeah one thing i wanted to be mindful of was path dependency, you definitely have a lot of turnover in materiel because of the cold war and second sino but there is still a lot of what is planned today in service (eg ACV, V-280, etc) and things derived from it,
Funny you mentioned the F-18s, because those are even less related to the Rhino than the Rhino is to the Hornet haha
You wrote at length about next-gen nuclear reactors and fifth industrial revolution construction innovations, but I'm curious. It would have to be assumed that newer classes of ship not powered by next-gen nuclear reactors are powered by conventional fossil fuel derived propulsion: what is the state of fossil fuel propulsion technologies in the late 2030's-ear;y 2040's?
Also you did briefly mention the Australian and Canadian Navies here: what is the state of the two navies? What's their tl;dr fleet compositions before and/or after the second Sino-American war?
forward fuel production is the big breakthrough, able to spin hydrocarbons out of CO2 dissolved in seawater for example. Generally most stuff is running a Ethanol-DiMethyl Ether fuel blend that can be converted to jet fuel (called DF-13/JP-13). Beyond that, its more or less just IEPS propulsion system and ultra high efficiency turbines.
Canada is probably modestly shambolic, basically one standard deviation above what it is aiming for now from the defense boost following First Sino. Australia is probably quite a bit bigger because they get spooked big time by First Sino. Haven't really given it all that much thought tho, tbh.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this question but, I was watching the Battle Order/Templin Institute video about the OSATO/PRC war and the attacks on the Marianas. But I wanted to ask a question.
It's referenced that the USA started "REFORT" exercises that sound like they were on the scale of the Cold War-era REFORGER exercises.
I just wanted to know, what units were assigned to the 12th Joint Division/Taiwan Defense Command, and what units were assigned as follow-on REFORT units from the US/UK/Australia/Vietnam etc.?
REFORT doesn't actually have that many forces actually *go* to Taiwan —it's the annual pacific-rim wide counter-invasion exercise. The main follow-on units are the Counter-Landing Readiness Forces which are battalion strength combined special force units to be deployed to reinforce key strong-points/ports of entry. There are at least three of them?
the 12th TDC has an Security Force Assistance Brigade (5th), an Armored Cavalry Regiment (10th), a Special Forces Group (8th) — and maybe a Theater Interdiction Brigade?
Don't have it fully fleshed out though, so all subject to Ccange
Reckon there is at least one on Luzon (probably out of Clark) and maybe another on Oki, potentially one or two rotating on Taiwan proper. Luzon is probably Philippine led with Aussies, Americans plus maybe French and/or Singaporeans? Oki is probably Japanese led with Canadians and others. Probably likely the Sorks have one. They probably aren't permanent, they're kinda like NATO's enhanced presence battlegroups but light rapid response infantry with additional ATGMs and MANPADS allotted to them
Firstly, this has been a wonderful read thus far and I haven't been able to put it down. Kudos on doing a great job of building a believable world full of sympathetic characters.
I do have one nitpick that I think will serve to help the flow of the narrative. Take the time to spell out the acronyms. The first thing I learned in the Army from my CO, and something I still hold dear, is "assume whomever you're talking to has no idea what you're talking about."
To those of us who are nerds and follow military jargon and terms a lot of this is understandable, but if your goal is to reach a wider audience in the same vein as popular authors like Clancy, take the time to spell out the acronuused and why they are relevant to the story.
Generally I try to spell out acronyms the first time i use them as a rule. But with something like a technical breakdown like this i lean toward brevity vs accessibility cus there is so much to go through and a lot of these systems are repeated through out the fleet
Love the new brooklyns. So this operation liberty. What is the aoterian country? And i think you didn’t add the four ships to the list of total ships as it’s still 76.
2. provides material aid and deters Russia from entering the war directly
3. Book 1 is completed and has been for like over a year at this point. I've been shopping around, but haven't gotten any bites. I am also planning on redrafting it because i've come up with a littany of improvements, but my mental capacity is kinda throttled because i'm job searching, trying to write stuff for the substack, and helping my family take care of my sister with her cancer treatment.
1. F-35s or f-16s 2. Ohhh. I would think they would send some troops cause they did for Iraqi freedom3. Ohhhh. Honestly man take your time. I would rather the book be great than rushed
also certainly F-35s cus that would be the cheapest option, could also be something derived from the T-7 Redhawk for something on the even cheaper end of the spectrum.
Poles might have a foreign "volunteer" force like the Ukrainians. I haven't fully decided how Europe (besides the French and British) deal with Second Sino.
and thanks, i want to make the best stories i can... its just not always a rapid process.
The Type 005 is some kind of semi-trimaran/trimaran design, basically three carrier hulls smashed together, but doesn't really have a fixed design
the Brooklyn class APDs are stretched spearheads designed to embark as Marine Combat Resupply and Infiltration Battalion (just realized i should add that to the Marine Lore). They're basically there to serve as motherships for drone and cartel submarine resupply missions to stand-in forces.
Also. I was rereading the uss harriet Tubman. It mentions Saudi F-16s. I don’t believe the saudis have f-16s is that a typing error or did they buy them in the pre-shift reality.
As for the Marines, immediately post-shift they more or less become the Fleet's primary construction force—along with any sailors that can be spared so that they can develop the central plains on Molokai for habitation.
The fleets stuff post war? Does it all get turned into museum stuff. Also is there any new ship museums in pre-shift? And last thing. So does the united states pre and post shift have arsenal ships and what about the other Yellowstone class.
I love all of this! Very well-thought-out naval doctrine and technological progression. I would love to know more about the plasma molten salt reactors- 90% thermal efficiency is basically impossible! Presumably they're operating at stupendously high temperatures and using some sort of future thermocouple to convert heat to electricity without moving parts?
Yeah the PMSR's output is basically the result of the back and forth between me and a friend a couple months ago. They're operating at something like 2500°C. I have no pretense of being a STEM guy, so I think I just too a reference to 90% efficiency and ran with it, when probably should be more like 70% or something in that ballpark going through that old convo.
So, 90% efficiency is about right for a 2500°C reactor, if you're just plugging the numbers into a Carnot efficiency equation. But real-world reactors are limited to around 50% thermal efficiency (despite a theoretical efficiency of up to 75%, depending on the design), because there's a lot of losses from mechanical parts and heat transfer. 70% efficiency would still be fantastically good, but believable for a future that has invested so heavily in nuclear tech.
If you want to get funky with it and keep the 90% plausible at the same time, there's a thing called a fission fragment reactor. Instead of boiling water to spin a turbine, it suspends the fuel as a "dusty plasma" and uses the fission reaction to accelerate ionized fission products into an ion beam, which gets shot through a linear generator. (Slowing down a particle beam generates electricity, the same way that you can speed up a particle beam by spending electricity.) This lets the setup bypass all the inefficiencies from moving parts or heat transfer, so you can get insanely high (>90%) efficiencies out of it. Of course, this involves a lot of non-trivial engineering problems- extreme temperature gradients, magnets, etc.
Thank you for the comment, to paraphrase a bad Secretary of Defense stealing from an Air Force colonel... I have a lot of known unknowns and a lot of unknowns unknowns, and I always appreciate comments helping with something nichely obvious!
'as the last three Type 83 destroyers were canceled in the wave of deep cuts during Dehenna Davison’s brief minority government in 2035 (aka the Three Weeks Ministry or the Great British Fire Sale)' - that hurts my soul to read; so plausible
Congrats dude on the new website. Questions. What’s the mh-7 like a little bird replacement , when will you add the spearhead based ships and what happens with all the fletchers and stuff do they not get build or do they get turned in gmds? Also idk why but I always think another carrier would be cool or a arsenal ship.
the MH-7 is based on the Joby eVOTL, and yeah its a Little Bird replacement (all electric so very, very quiet).
I will probably add the Brooklyn class APDs probably this weekend? Forgot that I haven't added them to the Ship Lore—my B.
The Fletchers as in the downtime DD? They definitely get built some of the later ones might not get laid down in favor of ships with Mk 42 5/58" but i'm not quite sure what you mean by GMDS.
As per new ships, i think the CTF is maxed out, though notionally the OSATO/NATO contingent probably has a carrier or two (probably one of the JMSDF's LPV-based DDVs and probably the UK's PANG carrier). And honestly both Long Beach and Redwood are more or less arsenal ships.
Gmds mean guided missile destroyers. In Australia we refer to them as that. Also what about supply trucks and stuff like that? And recovery vehicles. Also hey you can never have enough Ships
oh TIL, never heard of that phrase before. The Navy does build DDGs during WW2, think Charles F. Adams with VLS.
as per other ships, the TF already has a floating Ulithi with it and four nuclear powered super-AOEs. I mean arguably, i could probably throw a couple AO/AKEs in, but the fact is that the Reagan Seabase has it covered.
True. I was just thinking the fleet is kinda lacking on medical ships. Also what about logistics vehicles? Like tank recovery vehicles and Cargo trucks
yeah i think the fleet was supposed to have an combined OSATO task group but since it was so slap-dash they were going to meet off Hawaii.
There are two littoral assault squadrons each with six Patrol Boat Littoral (upgraded Mark VI) and two dozen Landing Craft Assault (Damen Fast Assault Craft)
Hey man. I haven’t been active recently cause of stuff but I’m glad to see you’re still working on dv. It’s actually one of the things I look forward to. I really just have a few questions if you feel like answering.
1. What’s the Uss Norton sound? Is that some sort of test ship? And is it purpose built or
2. What happens to the other Yellowstone’s , do they get scrapped or converted like the redwood
3. How many arleigh burkes do we end up with?
4. Who’s the first post shift nation with a nuclear powered ship
5. What happens to Mexico pre-shift do they get involved.
6. How many ships do we lose in the Anzio incident?
next post is likely to be on an operation in italy, but release date is TBD cus my life is still a mess right now. Abrams is probably a post war tank? so mid/early 50s (started during the war but development cycles'll slow post war)
I was gonna say this on Twitter but stupid rate bs. But I really think this project is gonna go good , like you’re really good at writing lore and actually staying to realism. But I got like a few questions mostly post shift . 1.Do things like the strike cruiser or Arsenal ship get built post shift. 2. Does the harrier ever get built?3. Do battleships stay in service longer than irl4. What are the primary service rifles in the post shift timeline for the us5. Only real pre-shift question but wtf is North Korea doing6. Does the Comanche ever get developed. Also will you ever do any stuff like this for the post or pre-shift us navy’s like listings of all the classes. Also it would be cool if there was a coastie cutter one of the smaller ones that gets teleported with the fleet.
1) oh yeah large cruisers are more common (mostly because of the relative failure of succeeding stunting of subs as the big killers)
2) yes
3) not sure but probably not, mostly because they don't have provisions for missiles
4) the US has a mix of primary service weapons until the 60s: FALs, T20s (Mag Garands), Winchester light rifle, AR-10s, and AR-15s, but eventually the AR-10/15 system is standardized on
5) North Korean basically does the same until Kim dies during the first phase of first sino and the power struggle bursts into civil war
6) not sure! more likely to be Bell 360 derived attack aircraft
as for graphics, there will be more — when i have the time haha
You know, I was just reading the Reagan’s post and I just noticed does the United States ever get finished the super heavy carrier we built. Also, does the f-111 get built post shift and last question will you ever do stuff like this for post shift?
1. So who are Americas post shift Allies and speaking of that what’s dv gonna be? Like a novel a series of novels?
2. Yea I remember you mentioning the marines stuff changed but can’t remember what you changed.
3 like for fighters what do they use. I will admit despite being named abrams lover I do like fighters too
4. Speaking of tanks what is after the abrams
5. What inspired dv? Clancy did red storm rising because of a game and ghost fleet was basically just wargames brought to life. Idk if I’ve already asked this but like I’ve always been curious.
6. They say logistics is the backbone of any armed forces so what planes does the us use pre-shift as the galaxy’s would be getting old.
Just reread this for the first time in a while and I do have some questions
1. How many Long Beaches end up getting built?
2. Does the U.S. lose any subs pre-shift
3. Whats the first ship sunk post-shift by the fleet
4. How long until the pre-shift naval battles thing comes out
1) the US CSGNs are: Long Beach, Las Vegas, Fargo, Bethlehem, San Francisco, Salem
2) several, but no idea on numbers
3) by the fleet? depends on what you count
4) probably next monday? was busy all this weekend
1. Does the Salem do anything
2. Like any boat overall
3. Bet
4. What’s the Koreans up too post shift
What's the deal with the USS Midway? The hull code changes from CVN-74 (Ex-Stennis) to CVN-70 (Ex-Vinson), and is LPV-19 in "...but we lived through the flames".
Also, I am sure that many people have already asked, but do you plan on making a 'Plane Lore' equivalent? I enjoyed "You're On Your Own, Spacecowboy" very much, and I think a lot of people would also like to see something like this work but for the planes there.
oh the hull numbering issue is just a continuity error because i had shifted the names around about two too many times. Appreciate that getting pointed out, too many lil details for me to keep track of 100% of the time!
I do plan on making a lore post for the aircraft, but that'll come after i finish redoing the Marine Lore!
Niiiice. Can't wait to see them!
I love the new ships man! Also I think u put marine instead of Maine, also is this the final fleet?
yeah i don't forsee adding anything more
Also. Is there any usaf personnel assigned
Just a few more questions
So you mention in this that Japan and Australia have San Antonio’s and b1s. What else have they bought from us?
2. Where do the assigned ships to the liberty go when at sea or do they just sail alongside
3. Is Indian an enemy or ally?
4. What does russias navy look like in 2042
5. Do any of these ships become museums post shift?
1 suggestion for the ship info graphic cards, I think a helpful piece of information to include in these might a blurb on the ships powerplant/propulsion type and model.
Whats sets this apart from other near future military fiction, is for lack of a better term, you're not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
A lot pop near future mil fic, *cough* Black Ops 2 *cough* End War *cough* set often only 10-20 years in the future, never sees any presence of any weapon platform currently in use at the date of the medias release. I've always found it to be nonsensical and incongruous that in these pieces of NFMF, you might see jet powered VTOL's or DEW armed tanks, reasonably plausible in future decades, yet you'll never see current helicopters or gun armed IFV's in use with lower tier units or reserve forces.
I absolutely love how you still have F/A-18, Arleigh Burke's, and Ford-class carriers, in service along side much more advance futuristic platforms.
yeah one thing i wanted to be mindful of was path dependency, you definitely have a lot of turnover in materiel because of the cold war and second sino but there is still a lot of what is planned today in service (eg ACV, V-280, etc) and things derived from it,
Funny you mentioned the F-18s, because those are even less related to the Rhino than the Rhino is to the Hornet haha
I did have 1 major and 1 minor question.
You wrote at length about next-gen nuclear reactors and fifth industrial revolution construction innovations, but I'm curious. It would have to be assumed that newer classes of ship not powered by next-gen nuclear reactors are powered by conventional fossil fuel derived propulsion: what is the state of fossil fuel propulsion technologies in the late 2030's-ear;y 2040's?
Also you did briefly mention the Australian and Canadian Navies here: what is the state of the two navies? What's their tl;dr fleet compositions before and/or after the second Sino-American war?
forward fuel production is the big breakthrough, able to spin hydrocarbons out of CO2 dissolved in seawater for example. Generally most stuff is running a Ethanol-DiMethyl Ether fuel blend that can be converted to jet fuel (called DF-13/JP-13). Beyond that, its more or less just IEPS propulsion system and ultra high efficiency turbines.
Canada is probably modestly shambolic, basically one standard deviation above what it is aiming for now from the defense boost following First Sino. Australia is probably quite a bit bigger because they get spooked big time by First Sino. Haven't really given it all that much thought tho, tbh.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this question but, I was watching the Battle Order/Templin Institute video about the OSATO/PRC war and the attacks on the Marianas. But I wanted to ask a question.
It's referenced that the USA started "REFORT" exercises that sound like they were on the scale of the Cold War-era REFORGER exercises.
I just wanted to know, what units were assigned to the 12th Joint Division/Taiwan Defense Command, and what units were assigned as follow-on REFORT units from the US/UK/Australia/Vietnam etc.?
Thank you !
REFORT doesn't actually have that many forces actually *go* to Taiwan —it's the annual pacific-rim wide counter-invasion exercise. The main follow-on units are the Counter-Landing Readiness Forces which are battalion strength combined special force units to be deployed to reinforce key strong-points/ports of entry. There are at least three of them?
the 12th TDC has an Security Force Assistance Brigade (5th), an Armored Cavalry Regiment (10th), a Special Forces Group (8th) — and maybe a Theater Interdiction Brigade?
Don't have it fully fleshed out though, so all subject to Ccange
Sweet !!! Thanks for replying man !
So of the Counter-Landing Readiness Forces
We know about Keelung (C Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion (US Army); 1st Company, 4th Airborne Battalion (JGSDF); 10th Special Forces Company, 1st Special Operations Brigade (Vietnam) & B Company, 2nd Royal Gurka Rifles (UK))
What are the other two, their assigned locations and component companies ? (Are there any Aussie SAS/Filipinos/ROK troops kicking around ?)
The information is much appreciated! Great work on all this !
Reckon there is at least one on Luzon (probably out of Clark) and maybe another on Oki, potentially one or two rotating on Taiwan proper. Luzon is probably Philippine led with Aussies, Americans plus maybe French and/or Singaporeans? Oki is probably Japanese led with Canadians and others. Probably likely the Sorks have one. They probably aren't permanent, they're kinda like NATO's enhanced presence battlegroups but light rapid response infantry with additional ATGMs and MANPADS allotted to them
Wonderful work, and I really liked the Okinawa classes concept. But dumb question, what happened to the Marine-All-Domain-Force ORBAT?
Thank you! The Oki is a favorite of mine too.
I delisted the Marine Lore post because i'm reworking (breaking it into two posts, one for the background and one for the actual unit breakdown).
Cool, looking forward to that. Keep up the good work and good luck with publishing that novel.
Thanks for the quick answer by the way.
Firstly, this has been a wonderful read thus far and I haven't been able to put it down. Kudos on doing a great job of building a believable world full of sympathetic characters.
I do have one nitpick that I think will serve to help the flow of the narrative. Take the time to spell out the acronyms. The first thing I learned in the Army from my CO, and something I still hold dear, is "assume whomever you're talking to has no idea what you're talking about."
To those of us who are nerds and follow military jargon and terms a lot of this is understandable, but if your goal is to reach a wider audience in the same vein as popular authors like Clancy, take the time to spell out the acronuused and why they are relevant to the story.
Generally I try to spell out acronyms the first time i use them as a rule. But with something like a technical breakdown like this i lean toward brevity vs accessibility cus there is so much to go through and a lot of these systems are repeated through out the fleet
Love the new brooklyns. So this operation liberty. What is the aoterian country? And i think you didn’t add the four ships to the list of total ships as it’s still 76.
Decided to use Aotearoan as the demonym instead of New Zealander.
I also double checked my notes, including the APDs, its actually only 75. Oops!
Ahhh. Never heard the phrase before. I thought it might have something to do with New Zealand. But I wasn’t sure.
Also random questions and thoughts
1. Does New Zealand ever get jets again?
2. Does Poland ever do anything with the sino-American wars
3. So how far is the book anyways? Like ready to publish or?
1. probably
2. provides material aid and deters Russia from entering the war directly
3. Book 1 is completed and has been for like over a year at this point. I've been shopping around, but haven't gotten any bites. I am also planning on redrafting it because i've come up with a littany of improvements, but my mental capacity is kinda throttled because i'm job searching, trying to write stuff for the substack, and helping my family take care of my sister with her cancer treatment.
1. F-35s or f-16s 2. Ohhh. I would think they would send some troops cause they did for Iraqi freedom3. Ohhhh. Honestly man take your time. I would rather the book be great than rushed
also certainly F-35s cus that would be the cheapest option, could also be something derived from the T-7 Redhawk for something on the even cheaper end of the spectrum.
Poles might have a foreign "volunteer" force like the Ukrainians. I haven't fully decided how Europe (besides the French and British) deal with Second Sino.
and thanks, i want to make the best stories i can... its just not always a rapid process.
What does the type 05 carrier look like? And also what is the role of the spearheads
The Type 005 is some kind of semi-trimaran/trimaran design, basically three carrier hulls smashed together, but doesn't really have a fixed design
the Brooklyn class APDs are stretched spearheads designed to embark as Marine Combat Resupply and Infiltration Battalion (just realized i should add that to the Marine Lore). They're basically there to serve as motherships for drone and cartel submarine resupply missions to stand-in forces.
Cool. Yea the brooklyns should be added. Also what’s the life like for a marine in the task force immediately post shift. Like when the shift happens
Also. I was rereading the uss harriet Tubman. It mentions Saudi F-16s. I don’t believe the saudis have f-16s is that a typing error or did they buy them in the pre-shift reality.
oops i meant Emirati F-16s
also i added the APDs to the post.
As for the Marines, immediately post-shift they more or less become the Fleet's primary construction force—along with any sailors that can be spared so that they can develop the central plains on Molokai for habitation.
Also, random thing. What happens to
The fleets stuff post war? Does it all get turned into museum stuff. Also is there any new ship museums in pre-shift? And last thing. So does the united states pre and post shift have arsenal ships and what about the other Yellowstone class.
Ahhh. Also I was so confused I was like. Did they like combine with the uae or something.
I love all of this! Very well-thought-out naval doctrine and technological progression. I would love to know more about the plasma molten salt reactors- 90% thermal efficiency is basically impossible! Presumably they're operating at stupendously high temperatures and using some sort of future thermocouple to convert heat to electricity without moving parts?
Yeah the PMSR's output is basically the result of the back and forth between me and a friend a couple months ago. They're operating at something like 2500°C. I have no pretense of being a STEM guy, so I think I just too a reference to 90% efficiency and ran with it, when probably should be more like 70% or something in that ballpark going through that old convo.
So, 90% efficiency is about right for a 2500°C reactor, if you're just plugging the numbers into a Carnot efficiency equation. But real-world reactors are limited to around 50% thermal efficiency (despite a theoretical efficiency of up to 75%, depending on the design), because there's a lot of losses from mechanical parts and heat transfer. 70% efficiency would still be fantastically good, but believable for a future that has invested so heavily in nuclear tech.
If you want to get funky with it and keep the 90% plausible at the same time, there's a thing called a fission fragment reactor. Instead of boiling water to spin a turbine, it suspends the fuel as a "dusty plasma" and uses the fission reaction to accelerate ionized fission products into an ion beam, which gets shot through a linear generator. (Slowing down a particle beam generates electricity, the same way that you can speed up a particle beam by spending electricity.) This lets the setup bypass all the inefficiencies from moving parts or heat transfer, so you can get insanely high (>90%) efficiencies out of it. Of course, this involves a lot of non-trivial engineering problems- extreme temperature gradients, magnets, etc.
oooh very interesting. Probably will settle for 'only' ~75% efficiency, god bless the magic future scientists at DOE and New Cold War R&D budgets.
Thank you for the comment, to paraphrase a bad Secretary of Defense stealing from an Air Force colonel... I have a lot of known unknowns and a lot of unknowns unknowns, and I always appreciate comments helping with something nichely obvious!
'as the last three Type 83 destroyers were canceled in the wave of deep cuts during Dehenna Davison’s brief minority government in 2035 (aka the Three Weeks Ministry or the Great British Fire Sale)' - that hurts my soul to read; so plausible
Congrats dude on the new website. Questions. What’s the mh-7 like a little bird replacement , when will you add the spearhead based ships and what happens with all the fletchers and stuff do they not get build or do they get turned in gmds? Also idk why but I always think another carrier would be cool or a arsenal ship.
the MH-7 is based on the Joby eVOTL, and yeah its a Little Bird replacement (all electric so very, very quiet).
I will probably add the Brooklyn class APDs probably this weekend? Forgot that I haven't added them to the Ship Lore—my B.
The Fletchers as in the downtime DD? They definitely get built some of the later ones might not get laid down in favor of ships with Mk 42 5/58" but i'm not quite sure what you mean by GMDS.
As per new ships, i think the CTF is maxed out, though notionally the OSATO/NATO contingent probably has a carrier or two (probably one of the JMSDF's LPV-based DDVs and probably the UK's PANG carrier). And honestly both Long Beach and Redwood are more or less arsenal ships.
Gmds mean guided missile destroyers. In Australia we refer to them as that. Also what about supply trucks and stuff like that? And recovery vehicles. Also hey you can never have enough Ships
oh TIL, never heard of that phrase before. The Navy does build DDGs during WW2, think Charles F. Adams with VLS.
as per other ships, the TF already has a floating Ulithi with it and four nuclear powered super-AOEs. I mean arguably, i could probably throw a couple AO/AKEs in, but the fact is that the Reagan Seabase has it covered.
True. I was just thinking the fleet is kinda lacking on medical ships. Also what about logistics vehicles? Like tank recovery vehicles and Cargo trucks
one of the Chosin class has a massive medial suite! and Okinawa and Reagan also have pretty extensive medical facilities.
Vehicles for the MAGTF? Oh lord there are about ~3000 so there is PLENTY.
I always assumed by the 3000 vehicles you meant including planes and ships. So what do they use for trucks and arvs( armored recovering vehicles)
So was there going to be a foreign contingent to the fleet exercise. And how many patrol boats are there in the fleet?
yeah i think the fleet was supposed to have an combined OSATO task group but since it was so slap-dash they were going to meet off Hawaii.
There are two littoral assault squadrons each with six Patrol Boat Littoral (upgraded Mark VI) and two dozen Landing Craft Assault (Damen Fast Assault Craft)
Makes sense! Just figured there would be more patrol craft as it’s such a big fleet
Also another thing. What’s the special forces aircraft? In the fleet(
Hey man. I haven’t been active recently cause of stuff but I’m glad to see you’re still working on dv. It’s actually one of the things I look forward to. I really just have a few questions if you feel like answering.
1. What’s the Uss Norton sound? Is that some sort of test ship? And is it purpose built or
2. What happens to the other Yellowstone’s , do they get scrapped or converted like the redwood
3. How many arleigh burkes do we end up with?
4. Who’s the first post shift nation with a nuclear powered ship
5. What happens to Mexico pre-shift do they get involved.
6. How many ships do we lose in the Anzio incident?
1. Norton Sound is a purpose built test ship!
2. The other Yellowstones are mostly in the fleet or in the reserves—Redwood is a one-off to inform a purpose built class more likely than not.
3. 100 on the dot
4. the United States, probably either a carrier or experimental ship
5. Mexico i don't have any lore, don't see them being directly involved more than just trading with the US.
6. technically none, USS Constellation is crippled but afloat and is deemed uneconomical to repair.
1. So The other yellowstones stay as ballistic missile defence ships.
2. Mexico surprises me considering I would see them having massive growth in the future.
3. What’s the next article on here gonna be?
4. So when does the m1 abrams come about? Post ofc
next post is likely to be on an operation in italy, but release date is TBD cus my life is still a mess right now. Abrams is probably a post war tank? so mid/early 50s (started during the war but development cycles'll slow post war)
Hey man sorry to hear about your life. But it’ll get better and I hope you keep the project going.
I was gonna say this on Twitter but stupid rate bs. But I really think this project is gonna go good , like you’re really good at writing lore and actually staying to realism. But I got like a few questions mostly post shift . 1.Do things like the strike cruiser or Arsenal ship get built post shift. 2. Does the harrier ever get built?3. Do battleships stay in service longer than irl4. What are the primary service rifles in the post shift timeline for the us5. Only real pre-shift question but wtf is North Korea doing6. Does the Comanche ever get developed. Also will you ever do any stuff like this for the post or pre-shift us navy’s like listings of all the classes. Also it would be cool if there was a coastie cutter one of the smaller ones that gets teleported with the fleet.
1) oh yeah large cruisers are more common (mostly because of the relative failure of succeeding stunting of subs as the big killers)
2) yes
3) not sure but probably not, mostly because they don't have provisions for missiles
4) the US has a mix of primary service weapons until the 60s: FALs, T20s (Mag Garands), Winchester light rifle, AR-10s, and AR-15s, but eventually the AR-10/15 system is standardized on
5) North Korean basically does the same until Kim dies during the first phase of first sino and the power struggle bursts into civil war
6) not sure! more likely to be Bell 360 derived attack aircraft
as for graphics, there will be more — when i have the time haha
Ahhh. I was curious as the nighthawk gets built to some degree so
You know, I was just reading the Reagan’s post and I just noticed does the United States ever get finished the super heavy carrier we built. Also, does the f-111 get built post shift and last question will you ever do stuff like this for post shift?
The Tubman is the USN's superheavy!
Also yeah the F-111 does get built (it misses the war, mostly because Turbofans are tricky).
Almost certainly gonna do posts like this but at a later day
1. I never even caught that detail.
2. Does the f-111 get exported like irl or?
3. Do you know what the next post is gonna be? I think you mentioned an aircraft one?
4. What does the us Air Force have pre-shift
5. Does the m551 ever get built?
F-111 probably gets exported.
Next post is probably gonna be a shorter narrative one, I also need to rework the Marine lore (made some tweaks), but i will do an air overview.
USAF has *a lot* of stuff, kinda hard to explain with any brevity
I am tempted to have a Sheridan with a 105 be adopted by the USMC during the war but we'll see if i pull the trigger on that
1. So who are Americas post shift Allies and speaking of that what’s dv gonna be? Like a novel a series of novels?
2. Yea I remember you mentioning the marines stuff changed but can’t remember what you changed.
3 like for fighters what do they use. I will admit despite being named abrams lover I do like fighters too
4. Speaking of tanks what is after the abrams
5. What inspired dv? Clancy did red storm rising because of a game and ghost fleet was basically just wargames brought to life. Idk if I’ve already asked this but like I’ve always been curious.
6. They say logistics is the backbone of any armed forces so what planes does the us use pre-shift as the galaxy’s would be getting old.